Services for authors
For us, the authors take centre stage. Our aim is to provide you the most personalized assistance and qualified services possible. Our respect for your work is never a question as we assist you in presenting your ideas and results to the world.
You benefit from:
- Image processing, typesetting, language copy-editing for English, and author proofreading. One staff member accompanies you throughout the entire production and publication process for any questions;
- Immediate online posting of your preprint or publication of your open-access article together with the individual date of appearance;
- Immediate free access for everyone to your work;
- Author copyright and distribution under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License;
- Immediate article alert service for individuals to be informed about your publication;
- Article level metrics (ALM) summarizing views by individuals, citations in other publications, savings in bibliographic tools, and discussions in blogs and social media;
- Immediate distribution of your publication to scientific databases, indices, and search engines – including Scopus and the Web of Science;
- Long-term preservation of your published journal article through Portico and CLOCKSS;
- Moderate article processing charges (APCs) and various options for financial support;
- Publication of supplementary material and listing of all kinds of assets (software and model code, data sets, samples, or videos) alongside your preprint or journal article.
How do I submit a manuscript?
Copernicus Publications publishes a variety and a growing number of open-access journals in many different fields. Each journal has its own web presence with the aims and scope on the main page. Furthermore, all journals include a menu item entitled "Submission" where we bundle all the important information for you. There, you can register your manuscript for the respective journal.
Put our offer to the test and publish one of your papers with us. We will do our best to provide you with excellent service and to ensure your paper reaches a wide audience and receives high visibility.