Editorial support
Reviewers play the most important role in transforming a manuscript into a high quality article. Our approach is to provide the reviewers with the tools they need to be independently active in the various phases of the workflow. However, we are there to personally assist them at any time with focused editorial support should any problems arise.
The following stages can be managed cooperatively with our editorial support system; all the essential information and necessary steps are automatically provided via email:
- Author's referee proposal during the manuscript registration;
- Editor call based on journal subject areas or nomination by chief editors;
- Editor's acceptance of the review and nomination of referees;
- Referee call;
- Referee's acceptance of the review;
- Upload of the referee reports;
- Upload of the editor report;
- Technical corrections between editor and author, minor revisions, or major revisions;
- Final acceptance of the manuscript by editors or chief editors.
Besides the traditional peer review, our unique Interactive Public Peer Review provides a maximum of transparency and fosters scientific discussion by open-access posting of preprints followed by a public discussion with invited comments from referees and editors as well as comments from the community, and a peer-review completion after revision to finally decide about a journal article publication.
Our tools can be customized through a large number of parameters and options to meet the varying requirements of different communities and editorial policies.
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